A Quick Shout-out: DRAWFEE

This is a bit new, and I’m going to try and do it more often, but I want to take a moment to shout-out some folks who inspire me and my work.  In most of these cases, they aren’t people I’m affiliated with, just folks who are putting in the work that help me get mine done.

So if you get a chance, check out DRAWFEE on YouTube and Facebook.  It’s a group of arDrawfee_Logotists who apply their drawing skills to creatively and humorously interpreting fun ideas, whether they’re creating knock-off versions of franchises, using prompts from their audiences, and sometimes just indulging in silly versions of Nerd-dom.  They’re funny, and clever, and on days when I’m in a slump and struggling to latch onto a joke, their creative perspective have on multiple occasions helped me think outside my own box.  So check out DRAWFEE,

Drawfee on YouTube

Drawfee on Facebook

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